Growing up in Bombay ,the only seasons we make friends with are summer and the monsoons. When everyone complained about the heat, I wasn’t far behind in joining hands for sharing the woes. But it dint take me too long to understand what people meant when they said that we realize the value of things in life, when they are not around. Well what can I say? – I moved to Boston.
Boston!! Where, the 4 months of summer is a luxury. It is treasured and pampered like the only girl born to a family of boys, after eons. When the winter season in Bombay is a complete stranger , moving to Boston meant not only befriending it – but actually moving in with it, because it lives with you for almost 3/4th part of the year !!
Living in New England has definitely taught me to appreciate the summers – but somewhere deep down I also have a secret affair with the winters here. It’s that kind of affair that you don’t talk about openly, like cheating with the winters on your beloved summers. But, there is something just so magical about the winters here that you can’t help but fall in love with them.
The early sunsets are notoriously blamed for making the days depressing. I beg to defer here .I feel the short nights and the long days call for the festive lights to be turned on soon. There is certain crispness in the air at all times of the day. When you have spent 21 years in Bombay, where snow is only seen in the movies, experiencing snow first hand, can bring out the child in you, every single time.
December itself is just so festive - a few days after celebrations of Diwali and a nice long weekend for Thanksgiving, enters my most favorite month of the year!!
The month of Christmas, Christmas holidays, the beautifully lit balconies, homes adorned with Christmas trees , the new year’s eve and ofcourse my birthday. Every single day is a festival and calls for celebrations.
Although we traditionally don’t celebrate Christmas, the trimming and decorating the Christmas tree has been a tradition at home right from the time I was a little girl. Waking up to find gifts placed under the tree, is something I look forward to every year. After coming to Boston, just walking down the Boston Commons, the huge Christmas tree visible from any where in the park, carols playing and the kids skating makes me so oblivious to the cold weather.
The first snow is oh so special – re-instills my love for the winters. Waking up to a white blanket that spreads across everything is a treat. I still remember my first snow in Boston, when I called up home and squealed like a little girl screaming into the phone – “its Snowing mom” and walked shamelessly with my mouth open trying to get the snow flakes in my mouth.
I shall not deny that there are times when I complain and crib and cry over the unbearable cold and the winds and times when I pray for the summers to come back – but the snow, these beautiful short days, the lights - this season will always hold a special place in my heart .